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New Consumer Protection Law

Today sees a massive shake up in Consumer Protection Laws giving major new powers to, amongst others, Trading Standards Officers. To tackle ‘Rogue Traders’ It is said to be the biggest change for forty years. There are many ways that people can be misled into parting from their money from complete lies to just giving […]

Whats a life ‘worth’?

ok guys rather than write a looooooooong update on my beautiful girl Holly i made my first movie!  I’ve uploaded it to youtube and you can view it there 🙂 enjoy.. and remember this is my first attempt at making a movie!

Holly is Safe!

I was put in touch with a wonderful man called Steve Wylie who runs a small rescue called S.H.A.K.  (Safe Homes And Kindness) in Northumberland.  His name and number were given to me by another Dog Listener Margaret Kindlen and I can’t thank both of them enough!  Holly will be given a safe place to stay […]

Why Electric Shock Collars Must GO!

This is an article i found taken from a House of Commons debate in 2003 which i feel outlines some important points and gives valuable information on these so called ‘training aids’ please follow the link for the article –

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